The free pattern is located at the bottom of this blog and can be found on Ravelry.
“Tuesday” is the same as “Monday
Monday” thru row 13. It starts changing
at row 14 to accent the star shape.
Made with size 10 thread and size
7 (1.65mm) hook. Approx 8” diameter.
Special Stitches:
V-stitch-1: dc, ch3, dc
V-stitch-2: 2dc, ch1, 2dc
Base V stitch: dc in dc, in loop
make 2dc-ch2-2dc; dc in dc (you will have a “V” with 3 dc on each side and a
ch2 in between)
Notes: most patterns start a dc row with a
“ch3”. I don’t like that look, so my
rows start with “ch2”. If you prefer the
“ch3, dc……”, feel free to substitute your preference except where noted the
beginning ch2 is required in rows 14.
1. Ch6, join with slip stitch (6)
2. Ch2, 15dc in ring. Join with sl st to top of ch2. (16)
3. Ch2, dc in same space as join; 2dc in each dc around. Join. (32)
4. Ch2, 2dc in next dc, 1dc in next dc; ch3, sk next dc, *(dc in next dc; 2dc in next dc; 1 dc in next dc, ch3, sk next dc); repeat from (*) around. Join with sl st to top of ch3. (8 sp; 8 4dc clusters)
5. Ch2, 2dcdec over negxt 2 dc, dc in next dc; ch2, dc in ch3 space, ch2, *(dc in next dc, 2dcdec over next 2 dc, dc in next dc, ch2, dc in ch3 space, ch2), repeat from (*) around, join with sl st to top of ch2. (8 clusters; 16 sp)
6. Ch2, 2dcdec over next 2 dc, *( [ch3, dc in next ch2 sp] twice, ch3, 3dc-dec over next 3 dc,) repeat from (*) around, ch3, join to top of beginning cluster. (24 sp, 8 clusters)
7. Sl st in first 2 ch of next loop, ch5, dc in same stitch, *V-stitch-1 in center stitch of next loop; repeat from (*) around. Join with sl st to 2nd ch of the beginning ch5. (24 loops)
8. Sl st to middle stitch of next loop; ch5, dc in same stitch, sk dc, Base-V, *(V-stitch-1 in center stitch of next 2 loops, make Base-V in next loop), repeat from (*) around; V-stitch-1 in next loop; join with sl st in 2nd stitch of the ch5. (8 Base-V’s; 16 spaces).
9. Sl st to center ch of next loop; ch1, sc in same loop, [ch3, dc in next 3 dc] twice; *([ch3, sc in next sp], twice, [ch3, dc in next 3 dc] twice ), repeat from (*) around. Ch 3, sc in next sp, ch 3, sc in original ch1 at base of beginning loop. (16 sets of 3dc; 32 sp)
10. Sl st to top of 1st dc. Ch2, dc in next 2 dc, ch 3, sc in sp, ch 3 dc in next 3 dc, ch 3, sk next sp, sc in next sp, ch3, *(dc in next 3 dc, ch 3, sc in sp, ch 3 dc in next 3 dc, ch 3, sk next sp, sc in next sp, ch3), join with sl st to top of beginning ch2. (28 loops; 16 sets of 3dc)
11. Ch2, dc in next 2 dc, [ch3, sc in next sc] twice, ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, ch2, sc in next sc, ch2, *(dc in next 3dc, , [ch3, sc in next sc] twice, ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, ch2, sc in next sc, ch2 ). Repeat around. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch2. (40 loops, 16 sets of 3dc).
12. Ch2, dc in next 2 dc; [ch3, sc in loop] 3 times; ch3, dc in next 3 dc; ch2, *(dc in next 3 dc; [ch3, sc in loop] 3 times; ch3, dc in next 3 dc; ch2). Repeat around. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch2. (40 loops, 16 sets of 3dc).
13. Ch2, dc in next 2 dc; [ch3, sc in next loop] 4 times; ch3, dc in next 3 dc; ch1, *(dc in next 3 dc; [ch3, sc in next loop] 4 times; ch3, dc in next 3 dc, ch1). Repeat around. Join with st st to top of beginning ch2. (40 loops, 8 ch1 spaces; 16 sets of 3dc).
14. Sl st to next dc; Ch2 (required), dc in next dc. ch3; [sc in next loop, ch3] twice; 3 dc in next loop; sc in next sp; ch3, sc in next loop; ch3; *([dc2tog over next 2 dc] 3 times; [ch3, sc in next loop] twice;35 dc in next sp; sc in next sp; ch3, sc in next loop; ch3). Repeat from (*) around. [Dc2tog over next 2 dc] twice. Join with sl st to top of beginning 2dctog.
15. Sl st to center of next loop; sc in same stitch; ch 3, sc in next loop, *(dc in sc stitch; dc in next 3 dc; dc in next sc; [sc in next sp; ch3] twice, 3dctog over next 3 dc; ** [ch3; sc in next sp] twice; ). Repeat from (*) around, stop at (**) at the end of the round. Ch3, join with sl st to beginning ch1. (32 sp, 8 3dctog clusters, 8 groups of 5dc’s)
16. Sl st to center of next loop; sc in same loop; *(2dc in next sc; 2dc in next dc; dc in next 3 dc; 2 dc in next dc; 2 dc in next sc; [sc in next sp; ch3] 3 times; ** Sc in next sp.) Repeat from * around, ending at **. Join with sl st in original ch1. (24 sp; 8 sets of 11 dc’s)
17. Ch2; dc in same sp; *(dc in next dc; 2dc in next dc; dc in next 7 dc; 2 dc in next dc; dc in next dc; 2dc in next sc; sc in sp; [ch3, sc in next sp] twice). **; 2dc in next sc, Repeat from * around, stopping at ** at end of round; Join with sl st to top of original ch2. (16 sp, 8 sets of 17dc)
18. Ch2, *([2dc in next dc; dc in next 6 dc] twice; 2 dc in next dc; dc in next dc; 2dc in next sc; sc in next sp; ch3; sc in next space; 2 dc in sc.) Repeat from (*) around; Join with sl st to top of original ch2. (8 sp; 8 sets of 24dc)
19. Ch2; dc in next 21 dc; dc in sc; sc in sp; *(dc in sc; dc in 24dc; dc in sc; sc in sp). Repeat from (*) around. dc in sc; dc in next 2 dc; join with sl st to top of original ch2. (8 sc; 8 sets of 26 dc’s).
20. Ch2, dc in every stitch around. join with sl st to top of original ch2. (216 dc)
21. (Ch3, sk dc; sc in next dc) around. for last loop, ch1, hdc in base of starting ch3. (107 sp)
22. (ch3, sc in next loop) around. For last loop, ch1, hdc in base of started ch3. (107 sp)
23. (ch3, sc in next loop) around. For last loop, ch3, sl st into base or original ch3. (107 sp)
24. Sl st into
next sp; ch2; 2hdc in sp; 3hc in each sp around. Join with sl st; weave in
ends; block.